Friday, November 12, 2010


Hello loves-
For starters, I just want to say I hope everyone has a Great weekend! I know I will!
Yesterday I had my hair colored by this new girl named Robbie and I absolutley love it. Last time I went to that salon, this other girl Toni messed my hair all up LOL. My roots were still showing and it looked as if she did not even dye it. Also, when I mentioned a trim, she wacked 3 inches off!! Since when did a trim mean "cut my hair really short?" So from now on, I am only going to Robbie!
This weekend is the LSU homecoming game vs. Monroe. My friend Renee and I have tickets to the game so that is what we will being doing saturday. By the way, this will be my first ever LSU game, so I am pretty excited to go. On another note: This will be a bitter/sweet weekend.
My boyfriend Dustin will be racing at Cowtown this weekend in Forth Worth, TX. I RARELY ever miss a race. But this weekend just happen to be an exception. I have always wanted to go to Cowtown because i heard that track is fast and always puts on a Great show. Oh well, life happens and I will be rooting for him from the grand stands in Death Valley!
Here is Dustin's Sprint car that he will be racing this weekend! Everyone wish him luck! :)
Here is Dustin in the heat race at I-44 Mini Sprint Nationals:

Friday, November 5, 2010

Over Analyzing as usual

I have been searching for new time wasters since all of my favorite shows are over for the season. My girly side really comes out when it comes to The Food Network and HGTV. I have always been a big fan of their reality shows like Next Food Network Star and Design Star. I like commiserating with the contestants because they really struggle with the on-camera challenges. They are great at what they do but then fall apart when the camera gets thrown in their face. True Blood has actually sparked my interest a little. It's like the R-Rated Twilight. I don't know how ive missed the boat on this. I watched a few episodes when it first started and trailed off some but now that there's nothing else on I'm trying to get into it. I used to be able to sit and watch episodes of Dexter and Weeds back to back. I would literally watch 8 episodes in a row. That was the life of the unemployed Jessica-now I find myself reading recaps online. My life has turned into reading summaries. I even skim magazine articles because I don't feel like I have the time to put into reading them. I think I'm living an abbreviated life.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's Official...

The internet is officially the worst possible place to try and communicate anything. It will always be taken the wrong way in this over-saturated,  cesspool of communication. There is no body language, no vocal tones communicating any kind of emotion, and certainly no immediate response. Black and white text lacks all of that. It’s cold and fails in so many ways. For example what was meant as a sincere apology comes across as a passive aggressive stab at someone. You try to explain that and somehow you only make it sound worse. If you were to have given that apology in person, all of that would have been avoided. Even the simplest of stories can be misconstrued. Suddenly you’re blaming them when really you were simply explaining your point of view.
You won’t see this but in the off chance you do: I’m sorry. That’s all I was trying to say. The stories and whatever else you misconstrued were just my way of explaining. Neither of us know the other and neither of us know how the other communicates which, obviously, leads to problems.
Until next time…

Friday, October 22, 2010

Rolling with Laughter....

I was thinking the other day about a few things, I googled to find the answer. What popped up was a list of crazy thoughts I know everyone has thought of before. As I was reading these, I couldn't help but laugh.
If anyone knows the answers just let me know. Feel free to laugh and ponder at all these silly questions....

Why doesn't McDonald's sell hotdogs? Would they call it a "McWeiner?"
At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?
What is Satan's last name?
Why do doctors leave the room when you change? They're going to see you naked anyway.
Where does the toetag go on a dead person if they don't have toes?
If your driving a federal owned car, and you run a stop sign, is it considered a felony?
Why is there a disclaimer on the Allstate Auto Insurance commericals that says "Not available in all states"?
If you dug a hole through the center of the earth,and jumped in, would you stay at the center because of gravity?
If a person dies and then springs back to life, do they get their money back for the coffin?
If you are asked to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and your the main witness, what if you say "no"?
Do they bury people with their braces on?
How far east can you go before you're heading west?
How does a Real Estate company sell its office without causing confusion?
Do dentists go to other dentists or do they just do it themselves?
If, in a baseball game, the batter hits a ball splitting it right down the center with half the ball flying out of the park and the other half being caught, what is the final ruling?
If you were to get drunk in a country where the drinking limit is under 21, and went to the states and were still over the limit, could they arrest you for underage drinking even though you did not do the drinking in the states.
Why do people think that swaying their arm back and forth would change the direction of a bowling ball?
If girls with large breasts work at Hooters, then do girls with one leg work at IHOP?
Why is it that everyone driving faster than you is considered an idiot and everyone driving slower than you is a moron?
If pro and con are opposites, wouldn't the opposite of progress be congress?
Why does grape flavor smell the way it is when actual grapes don't taste or smell anything like it.
If a lesbian has sex with other women but never with another man is she still considered a virgin?
If a kid refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?
Is it rude for a deaf person to talk (sign) with their mouth full of food?
If its 11:30 PM Dec 31 in Texas and 12:30 AM Jan 1st in New York and you have a New York driver's license that expires Jan 2007, does that mean your license has expired?
What's the difference between normal ketchup and fancy ketchup?
If a transvesite goes missing, would youu put their face on a carton of Half and Half?
Why is the Lone Ranger called 'Lone' if he always has his Indian friend Tonto with him?
When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny?
Are eyebrows considered facial hair?
If a baby's leg pops out at 11:59PM but his head doesn't come out until 12:01, which day was he born on?
In the song Yankee Doodle, is he calling the horse or the feather "macaroni"?
Is there a time limit on fortune cookie predictions?
Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?
Do they have the word "dictionary" in the dictionary?
Can you daydream at night?
Why is it that on a phone or calculator the number five has a little dot on it?
Can crop circles be square?

There is a lot more on the website...go check it out:
until next time

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Family Night!

Well, tonight is our family night. Every thursday since as far back as i can remember, has been family night. We sit around, talk, eat dominioes pizza and watch our favorite family show, CSI.
My family is awesome for keep this a tradition. Most families would have fizzled out their families by now. My family and I are very close. I have 4 brothers and sisters. Also, a nephew that lives with us that is 6 years old.
We have ordered dominoes pizz for the past ten years every thursday. Im am pretty sure we are the ones that keep the company in business.
CSI has been airing ever since as well. We have never missed a season. I don't think this show will ever get old to my family.
I am sitting her thinking about how grateful i am for having my family. I do not know what i would do without them. I hope everyone out there has a great weekend.
I am headed out to continue this great night.
JSchmidtke <3

Monday, October 11, 2010

Who needs sleep when it's your Birthday Week!

Hello again,
Sorry I am just now getting to post, it has been a very busy weekend for me.
This past saturday was one of my best friends wedding day. We had to get up early and get the chapel all decorated with pretty roses and flower arraigments. The color scheme was white, black, charcoal, and accents of lime green. Turned out wonderful!
Laci and I went to clinque in the mall to get our make-up done for the wedding. First off we called ahead earlier last week and made appointments for 3:30. Well, when we got there, the lady could not find us on the appointment sheet. Clinque lady said she only had time for one of us. So, I told laci to go ahead. I ended up walking around the big make-up counters and ran into Lancome' so i stopped and asked if they could do mine. The lady said "Sure, no problem girl." So make-up was done, check!
Next was on to hair, we did that ourselves. Curls, curls and more curls was the way to go.
After the whole wedding went down, it was finally the reception part. The part I was looking forward to the most.
The newlyweds were having it at the Capri Theatre Downtown. As soon as you pulled up, their names were written on the big board out front, "Now presenting newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Justin Witt." It was super cute.
Of course, as soon as you walk in the theatre, there was a old time popcorn machine, the red carpet, a photo booth, and everything you could possibly imagine. They really out did themselves and it turned out great.
We partyed on until 3am the next morning and I had to leave for Dallas at 7am. That was the worst car ride of my life.
I only had 3 hours of sleep the night before and I generally do not do well on car rides regardless.
Dallas was the First part of my birthday week with my mom, two sisters and my Aunt. My birthday by the way is Friday the 15th.
I will the big double digit 22.
So in Dallas, we went to the mall that was in Mesquite. A small town on the outskirts of Dallas. It was a nice mall and had 3 levels of non stop shop. I was on the hunt for a birthday dress for my party on Saturday. Out of that whole mall, not one dress that I was in love with, not one. I was fustrated but it did not ruin what an awesome time I was having with my family.
After the mall, we went and saw a movie. The new one with Katherine Heigle in it. I can never remember the name. But anyways, it was a cute movie, very predictable, but still cute.
After that, out last leg of the adventure was to eat at Cheddar's. This part was to celebrate my Aunt's birthday that is today. I got her a really funny card with a horse on the front of it. She laughed and said it was hilarious.
I was worn out at this point, from not getting more than a total 6 hours of sleep all weekend and going non -stop. I was passed out the whole way home from dallas. We were pulling in the driveway of my Elm Grove house at Midnight.
So that was my crazy wild weekend and a nice start to an even wilder week. I will post more crazy adventures as they start happening.
Until then...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

It's life, What can I say?

Life. All I can think about latley is my life and if it's going the way God intended.
This past week was a long one. I had several huge tests in my classes. I try to study so hard but it seems like I freak out and loose it when it comes down to it. I used to be so good at memorizing things, and being organized. But here lately, I feel as if im playing catch-up and i can't seem to get caught up. I just need time to freeze for a couple hours so i can get everything done.
Work has been non-stop as well. Meetings after meetings and i need a freeze button to catch up too. This past week i think i have gotten a total of 10 hrs of sleep. The price of being a college student and a full-time worker.
Life just seems to be passing by so fast latley. I am feeling the panick of school and wondering if i will succeed and ever graduate. And when i do graduate, will i be able to get a good job with the way the economy is now days. What does my future hold? If i could just catch a glimpse of what is going to happen, that would make me feel so much at ease.
Tonight is my friend's batchelorette party at Superior's Bar and Grill. That is another thing i have been thinking about. Will I ever get married? How many kids will i end up having? I find myself pondering these questions often latley. Life is an amazing gift and I thank God i am here everyday. I am just going to continue to live my life to the fullest and take it day by day. We will see where that takes me.
Until then...
Peace Out

Friday, September 24, 2010

Racing, racing and more racing....

This week and into the weekend is the 5th Annual 600 Sprint Car Nationals at I-30 Speedway. I have been planing and looking forward to this all year. My boyfriend of 4 and half years races sprint cars and i come mainly to watch him. But i really do enjoy a full week of racing nothing but sprint cars, nothing else. It's such a good time. Dirt, methanol, loud motors, camping out at the track, racing golf-carts on the track when the races are over, nothing else like it. Tomorrow is the last day of all the racing action, and rumor has it that the big sprints will make an appearance. I am so excited and i really hope they do.
I bet you are wondering just exactly what is a sprint car? Well, it is a winged car with a motorcycle 600 cc engine in it. Can run up to 1500 horsepower with speeds toping over a hundred down the straight away. The cars race on oval quater mile dirt tracks. I will upload a picture to show you guys just how awesome they are.
I happen to do a little part time work for an organization called SOW6 (Southern Outlaw Winged 600's). They race all over Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas. I help them with the line-ups, telling the racers when they go out on the track, collect money for their draw fees, and a couple other paperwork stuff. I love being involved in everything i can associated with the organization. For years, i used to sell the SOW6 t-shirts. But anyway, that's old news now.
Back to the nationals, Brandon, my boyfriend, raced today and almost won his heat race. A heat race is a re race where you determine where you start in the feature race. kind of like process of elemination to make it to the top. He was in the lead for most of the laps and at the very end he gets passed by Travis Senter, the leading champion of the nationals. For Brandon to even be keeping up with a previous champion says alot. His car was hooked up and moving. We ended up not making the main feature for the night, but it's all good. There is always tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day and a new beginning in the race world.
Goodbye for now, i will keep everyone posted on Brandon's progress to the top.
Goodluck GO #88!!
JSchmidtke <3

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Word of Day: Reminiscing

Memorie, memories, memories, oh how i love making memories and reminiscing on the past.

Today was my little sister's sophmore year homecoming. She asked me to do her hair and make-up. I was more than happy to do it for her and of course her friends too. As im doing Makenzie's hair, im thinking about how i had an ACT the morning of mine my Junior year. How nervous i was and how i did not like my hair that my friend Jessica did. Then from there i remember being on danceline and we had a huge pep ralley we danced at. Those were the days....i wish i could go back and relive them.

After dropping my lil sis and her friends off at the dance, i go waste a little time at my friend Mariha's house. I walk through the door and i was shock at the site of old danceline videos from high school playing on the television. Floods of memories come pouring through my head. I may upload them on here for everyone to check out how good we were as a dance team.
Our school won first place every year at competitions in dallas. We also won all-stars which got a couple of us girls a trip to london to dance in the New Year's Day parade. We had a blast in high school. What i would give to be back now and expirence the joys of no responsibility but getting to practice on time.

I leave this open for all of you to remember the times of high school. What were you like, the nerd, the jock, the cheerleader?
Jessica <3

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Word of the day: Exhausting

Ever wake up in the morning and you can just feel like it going to be one of those days?
Well, today wasn't one of those days but it sure was a hand full. For starters, i was on "E" this morning on the way to work and when i got to the pump, my gas tank wouldn't open. Luckily (after ten minutes of tinkering) i got it open. Now i am running late, great!
Once at work, i could not even get through the door and set down my purse before sent on a wild goose chase of answering phones and be a personal assisant (more like golpher) to co-workers whom did not want to get their lazy butts up. I needed so badly an energy drink. Did i mention i work for the District Attorney's office, so i have to deal with "idiots" all day long. I have never heard so many excuses for missing court in my life before i started working there. Also, this week we are down a couple people due to them taking vacations. Ahh, more work for muah! Leaving work at 4:30, i let my hair down and i don't answer a single phone call.
On another note, why does car shopping have to be so dang complicated? I can't just look at a single car without a salesman stalking me down to try and get me to sign a million papers. When the baffoons do that, it deters me from wanting the car at all and i leave dissapointed. Today was the third white altima coupe i have test drove in the past month. I really liked this one, i really did. But that dang salesman made me feel uncomfortable and i just felt like mine is still out there somewhere. So i left, no new car smell, no new keys...oh well. 
I will definitely have to keep you guys updated on my car search through this treterious jungle of baffoon salesman.
Hope everyone has a relaxing night, that's what im going to be doing after a day like today.
Peace out homies
JSchmidtke <3